
For my web presence, I have chosen to create a blog as my central node and I have connected it to 3 contributing nodes which are Facebook, twitter and delicious. I have also chosen as main theme something very original and particular which is Wicca, a type of witchcraft. There are many reasons why I have chosen a blog as my main node and why I have chosen these secondary nodes to be connected to the central one. The web 2.0 tools for sharing and creating have allowed me to create an active and very interactive online presence without any familiarity with technical codes of html. This exegesis explains why I have chosen these nodes, witchcraft as theme and even lay out for its creation.

As central node, a blog was appropriate for my theme because on blogs, you can have a large amount of information and blogs represent one of the main platforms of web 2.0. Blogs help their users to increase their knowledge in writing skills and personal knowledge. The creation of blogs is also free and easy to use. There is no need to have a great knowledge in html codes as blogs features allow you to create your blog in simple clicks. Blogs are also a mean of communication with other people on large varieties of subjects as people around the world connect with other users where they interact, share and update information. Bloggers also help by providing information, solutions and this lead to collective intelligence. (Roberta, 2011)

As contributing nodes, I have taken Facebook to create worldwide discussion around my theme. Facebook is after all a very popular social network which connects billions of users. Living in the era of technology, mostly everyone is registered to Facebook nowadays. These users are from every part of the globe and have different culture. Therefore they have different opinions, feelings, experience and knowledge. I really think that creating this Facebook group will allow interaction and even collaboration between users. Connecting it to my blog will even allow greater participation and sharing of ideas on witchcraft around the world. This will create a community around witchcraft where everyone may share contents, knowledge and information on the theme. (‘‘Facebook groups,’’ , para.1)

Twitter was also connected to the central node as twitter is another popular social network where it is easier to keep in touch with you audience and vice versa. Information can be updated and shared more rapidly than any other social networks. Twitter updates are very rapid and clear. Twitter allows you to connect with other users and this may benefit you in such a way that connecting with other users allows you to gain in knowledge and information on your required theme. I have personally connection with many witchcraft contacts on twitter (following and followers) and this may help the audience. Twitter is also the easiest way to drive huge traffic to you blog as your message can be viewed, commented and connected to people around the world. (Lalitbhojwani,‘’20 advantages of using twitter,’’ 2012)

Furthermore, delicious was another connection to my blog as delicious allows you to view or share whatever link you want. Delicious enables you to always keep in touch with the most visited, popular or latest links on mostly every subjects. Delicious can also be used to promote you own blog and thus increase your traffic. Delicious is very easy to use and the RSS feed is available thus allowing information to come to you rather than regularly visiting the website. Delicious is really a huge database where I post links to interesting contents in relation to the theme. This may help my audience to be informed and thus gaining knowledge on my witchcraft. (Aakai 1056, ‘‘What is Del.icio.us and what are the advantages of using it?,’’ 2009)

I have chosen witchcraft as my main theme as this is really a rare and original one concerning university projects. I wanted to create my web presence on a theme which is not common. I have always been attracted to witchcraft and this is why i have chosen this theme.Witchcraft is after all a religion and can be called Wicca. Wicca is not Satanism or evil worship.  Wicca is based on the worship of the horned god and the goddess of the earth. People who practice Wicca are called wiccans. Wiccans consider the earth as living organism being the mother goddess and thus they worship nature. They consider the moon representing the feminine aspect of the goddess and the sun representing the god. Wiccans practice meditation, incantation, spells and rituals and abide to a law which is called the Wiccan rede which state ‘as it harms none, do what ye will’. This means that the Wiccan can cast whatever spells he wants to as long as he does not hurt someone.  (Cecylyna Dewr, ‘‘What is Wicca?,’’ 1998)

For my blog, I’ve chosen a blue fire as my main background as fire is naturally yellowish in colour. Blue fire represents something mystical and mysterious and very appropriate when linked to my theme. I’ve chosen these particular fonts to make my blog look more esoteric and as if it was natural writing. Note that I’ve chosen to let the original font for my post to allow easy reading for my audience.  Overall, I’ve taken black and white as main colours for my blog to put forward the idea of good and evil forces. Blue as in Wicca, this colour represents emotions, absorption, subconscious, purification, eternal movement, wisdom, the soul, emotional aspects of love and femininity.so I wanted to touch the emotional and subconscious aspects of the audience by choosing this colour. My font for post varies from white or black so as to make the overall blog lively and not boring to seethe same colour everwhere. I have also used a simple English language so that my audience can clearly indentify and understand the meaning behind my words. A comment page was also added to enable comments and opinions about the overall web presence.

Furthermore, i found my contributing nodes appropriate for the theme i have chosen.This blog was created to share my personal knowledge on witchcraft which is close to my heart and introduce them to me. I found my web presence very stimulating, informative and entertaining as I’ve taken sharing, blogging and social platforms as nodes. The design choices were selected in an appropriate way with an image in mind. I was able to create a dynamic content to enhance and validate social credibility using the web 2.0 tools. I believe that my web presence shows my clear understanding of the web 2.0 platforms and tools.

Reference List:

Aakai1056. (2009). What is Del.icio.us and what are the advantages of using it?. Retrieved from

Cecylyna Dewr. (1998) What is Wicca?. Retrieved from

Facebook groups. Retrieved from

Lalitbhojwani. (2012). 20 advantages of using twitter. Retrieved from

Roberta. (2011). Top 7 valuable advantages of blogging. Retrieved from

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