Tuesday 24 April 2012

Hecate invocation

Here is an interesting song for the invokation of the goddess hecate..Goddess of witches
The picture below has been retrieved from: http://www.whale.to/c/hecate.html
The goddess hecate is the mistress of magic and goddess of crossroads.She is an ancient goddess of the greeks. Hecate is one of the main wiccan goddesses.She is also known as the triple goddess or even Cerridwen. She is often called for black purposes but she is after all a mother which care upon her children and comes to you whenever you are in need.As seen in the picture above, she has 3 heads and dogs at her feet.She is often represented by snakes, holding a flame torch, a dagger or even a rope. She is often seen with the moon on her head which represents her power over the moon.

Hecate's rituals are very strong and difficult as it asked several tasks. The goddess doesn't like to be disturbed and is said to give blessings only if she is pleased by these task.
These task include:
  • Giving her honey on crossroads at night bringing your dog along with you.
  • Deep meditation concentrating on the goddess black energy.
  • Special onjects to be given as offerings(rope, key and dagger)
It is said that if you're offering honey on crossroads at night and that the dog starts to howl, the goddess is said to be just behind your back and you must not turned back as if ever you look into her eyes, you will be driven to madness.She has the power of visions and guide your magic. It is also said that if her ritual is unsuccessful, then you might face her rage and you will be driven to madness. If the ritual is successful, the she will bless you with the power to see the past, present and future.
Just be careful when calling upon her as she is a very powerful and dark goddess of ancient culture.