Thursday 19 April 2012

The mother Goddess

As a wiccan,we believe that all goddesses of the world is represented as one goddess,the mother of the earth itself...there are 7 main goddesses in the world,they are Isis,Astarte,Diana,Hecate,Demeter,Kali and Inana..Above is the chant of these 7 goddesses.
I truly believe that the goddess is everywhere around us,she is the destructive force of nature,she is found in every living creatures,animals,plants as well as ourselves,we are her children.Invoking goddesses in your rituals results in increasing the power of your magic.But be careful as certain goddesses dont like to be disturbed and if so,they can push your magic to make you crazy and make you mad.These goddesses need to be pleased before been invoked by you...They are pleased throught specific rituals,incantations and offerings...
Goddess Hecate for example,need to be given honey,a key and rope before invoking her powers...She is one of the most powerful goddess as she is the mistress of magic and queen of crossroads.she guide witches magic and grant the power to her children to see the past,beginning and present.she is always represented as being a virgin,a mother and a crone.her 3 forms!!!
Here is a picture of hecate in her 3 forms on a painting by a painter called cherrieB. retrieved from

There are also other powerful goddesses such as Aphrodite,the greek goddess of love which has the power to give beauty as well as cursing women.Aphrodite has the power to attract the man/woman you desire the most.According to rituals,a shell is needed to invoke this goddess as she was borned in a large shell and was found in the shell on a beach.she is often represented by her favourite animal,the dove. here is a pic of Aphrodite as she got out of her shell on the beach. picture from

As wiccan,we must choose a main god and goddess as mother and father to be invited at the beginning of our rituals.Personally ive chosen Hera,the goddess of mariage and Hades,the god of the tartarus,ruler of the underworld.Hera is the wife of the greek god of gods,Lord Zeus who was always cheating Hera.Even if zeus was always attracted to other goddesses,nymphs etc,hera's fidelity to zeus was absolutely perfect.She always remained by his side.Hera is very vengeful,she likes to chase and pursue the women's that her husband turned to as she did to Herakles(hercules) and his mother.Hera has no pity over her enemies and is ready to use every weapon and arm that she has.I really feel that hera matches my atributes and thats why i consider her as my own mother.Her favourite animal is the peacock.Look at my mothers beauty...^^Picture from

Among the goddesses,there are some who prefer to remain virgin as they consider themselves pure and away from men.Very often,these goddesses feel a sort a hatred towards men and hate them to death...Athena,the goddess of crafts and strategic battle was the first goddess to claim to remain as a virgin to her father,Zeus.Then, Diana/Artemis the goddess of hunt and the woods also claim to remain as a virgin.Athena grant the power of crafts to men and some years back,i asked athena for a particular talen.The goddess offered me the power to create crafts with paper and im really thankful to her....Artemis has the power over nature,hunt and animals,she can grant you the power of the wild and if ever you are lost in the wild,she is there to guide you.Long ago,people used to venerate her before going to hunt in the woods...Hunting was always good if ever Artemis blessed you,if not,then not a single hare would be caught.Artemis animal is the dog or the deer,especially the hunding dogs and a deer called (le cerf de cerynie) and Athena's favourite animal is the owl which has the power to see at night.Athena can always be seen holding a spear with a shield and wearing a helmet and Artemis with a bow representing the hunt with usually a dog at her feet as we can see in the picture below.Picture retrieved from DiviantART.


  1. Very interesting..may i know more about the other goddesses?

  2. pas encore fini ecrire tout...will continue in some mins..
