Wednesday 18 April 2012

Introduction about my life as a wiccan

hi,everybody,everthing started at the age of 15 where i realised that i was different from people around me.since childhood,i was always attracted to magic stuffs such as comic,series and films on witches,fairies and magical creatures.i was wondering about their existence and whether the world of magic really exist.i was always reading about mythical creatures,gods and goddesses who was venerated in ancient times in europe,egypt etc...i knew all of them by heart and even today,i know about their histories by at 15,i started to make research about magic and came across a religion called Wicca/Ancient religion.
Here is the pentacle,representing Wicca based on the 5 elements...Fire,water,earth,air and spirit...
Through my research,i came across french people who called themselves witches/wizards as wicca is considered as a sort of witchcraft.i was initiated by my so called witches friends who gave me all the necessary knowledge to follow the path of the great mother goddess...As wiccan,ive dedicated myself to the ancient mother goddess which represents all the goddesses in the world.I found her true powers in the force of nature,the air that i breath,fire reducing forest into ashes and enormous waves through my windows.
i truly believe in the powers of the 4 elements as without them,men is bound to absolutely no existence.Fire as the sun which gives warm to our heart and make the plants grow,water as the element which runs onto our body,the earth which actually supports us and the air that all living creature breath.
Being a witch means living with a pure heart but not accepting being put down.We help people in need without asking for money or whatever.we contribute in protecting innocents secretly and we even risk our lives for others.
i am not saying that all wiccans do this job as personnaly,i try to help others.wiccans are free to use their powers as long as they are not hurting others(people who do not deserve to be attacked by magic)
here is a picture of one of my most important ritual of the year..this ritual is to celebrate changes of seasons..
Yes we are different and i am different,you people may fear me...parents,friends,colleagues and people who may recognize me,but im no more afraid and ashame to hide who i am.I  am the Phoenix, a true and pure fire element wiccan and i am very proud.