Thursday 17 May 2012

Negative ideas and images

People always believe and relate to satanism when talking about witchcraft but these are false assumptions and beliefs. Wiccan which is a form of witchcraft has rules which state that you must not hurt people as you will be cursed 3 times if so.
Wiccan rituals are lively and colourful. They do not look dark unless you are practicing negative rituals including satanism where everything look dark. Here is a picture of my friend's ritual.
Even if she is wearing a dar coloured clothes, this doesnt mean she is practicing dark rituals...As you can see in thie picture, the colours are lively and colourful.There is even a small fountain to celebrate the forces of water in the middle and a good looking fairy in front of the fountain.
People always say that witchcrafting is bad but what about helping others like removing curses, giving luck and even improving bad conditions?
People create these false images just because of their fear of unexplainable events. Long ago at middle, curing a child with some herbs mean that you've used witchcraft on the poor child. The fact that the children was cured was not taken into consideration and the so called 'witch' was thus burned alive or hanged.These pictures show the real truth about wiccan rituals. i Just hope that my reader may change their opinions after reading and seeing these pictures.

These pictures clearly demonstrate that rituals in witchcraft does not look dark and negative as they may think. There is not dark materials or even black coloured candles as people may think.
Huge Thanks to Alexandra for the pictures of your rituals.

Love rituals

Love rituals are very powerful, they call upon the goddesses of love such as the greek goddess Aphrodite or even Inanna, the goddess of sexual desire. Love spells are considered as been negative when especially used to target someone. You must you a spell to attract love and not a spell to force someone to love you as this seems unfair. This is not call love when you force someone to love you by spells. For these kinds of spells,special objects are also needed to invoke the goddesses like rose incense, a shell symbolising Aphrodite or a red/pink candles as well. This picture below was a ritual done by my friend for me.
We were not targeting someone especially but it was just for me to find someone and it worked. My friend lives abroad and she used a picture of me for concentration. If you're particularly targeting someone, you juste need a picture of him/her or even one of his personal objects. This will help you to focus on the targeted person and shoot your magic at him. Love spells actually takes 3 months for working and you have to be patient concerning spells.
Here is the picture of candles and other materials used during love rituals.As you may think, witchcraft rituals doesn't need to look dark and black.
Love rituals can be done on particular days like wiccan festivals to increase the effect of magic. My ritual was done on a particular date so as to raise power and increase my magic. Here is the picture of the overall ritual set on a table.

As you can see in the picture above, the objects for the love ritual were set on the left and the one for the festival were set on the left with my friend in the middle.
This is how wiccan rituals actually look.
Thanks to my Friend Aurore and Alexandra for the pictures.

Tuesday 8 May 2012


Dreams are very important in the life of any individual and can really mean something positive as well as negative. Everyone has dreams and according to Wiccans, our dreams are controlled my mystical creatures, gods and goddesses. One on the god of dreams is Morpheus, a Greek god. Witches and wizards often attack their enemies during their sleep where their victims are powerless and at rest by sending nightmares or curses. Personally i do some incantations before sleeping to prevent my enemies from reaching me or even dark forces to interfere in my sleep as I don't like to be disturbed at night.

There are many spells you can do for your sleep. For example, you can do spells before sleeping to dream about the future. You may even send nightmares to your enemies or drain out all his energy so that he feels weak when waking up in the morning. But beware of the Wiccan law which state that all harm you will do, will return to you by 3 times.

The works above and below are paintings theme Dreams by Josephine Wall retrieved on . I was very impressed by her works below. Thanks to her.This one is called dance of dreams.

During your sleep, you're visited by mystical creatures which guide your dreams. For example, spirits of fairies are said to come to you at night and make you dreams as if you were in a fairy tale. They send beautiful images to your mind. But beware, there are also negative creatures who try to send nightmares and other negative images to your brain.

It is also said that during your sleep, your angel guardian look at you and if ever he sense something wrong in the near future, he will try to send you some kind of visions which may need further complex interpretations. For example, i personally dreamed about snakes in my dreams biting me. I was very afraid and panicked but decided to do some research about it. I've found that seeing snakes biting you in your dreams doesn't mean something negative as it only means that the snakes had a relationship with Hermes, the messenger of the Greek gods and father of medicines. This god is often represented holding a staff with 2 snakes tied to it. My dream only meant that he tried to protect me from future sickness by sending his snakes. One week later, everyone at home got a local sickness from mosquitoes and i was the only one unaffected at home. Thanks to Hermes!
Again here are some works of Josephine wall, the british painter. These paintings theme are goddesses in dreams. Her work is absolutely wonderful and she had paintings themes on fairies, the elements, goddesses, sureal and much more!

More can be retrieved from
If you ever need some dreams spells, just contact me through my facebook link or even on twitter.
I would also like to thank everyone who helped me for this special post expecially my friend Ed from whom i've got the inspiration and thanks also to Josephine Wall, the painter who gave me access to her works to support my post.A big thanks!

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Hecate invocation

Here is an interesting song for the invokation of the goddess hecate..Goddess of witches
The picture below has been retrieved from:
The goddess hecate is the mistress of magic and goddess of crossroads.She is an ancient goddess of the greeks. Hecate is one of the main wiccan goddesses.She is also known as the triple goddess or even Cerridwen. She is often called for black purposes but she is after all a mother which care upon her children and comes to you whenever you are in need.As seen in the picture above, she has 3 heads and dogs at her feet.She is often represented by snakes, holding a flame torch, a dagger or even a rope. She is often seen with the moon on her head which represents her power over the moon.

Hecate's rituals are very strong and difficult as it asked several tasks. The goddess doesn't like to be disturbed and is said to give blessings only if she is pleased by these task.
These task include:
  • Giving her honey on crossroads at night bringing your dog along with you.
  • Deep meditation concentrating on the goddess black energy.
  • Special onjects to be given as offerings(rope, key and dagger)
It is said that if you're offering honey on crossroads at night and that the dog starts to howl, the goddess is said to be just behind your back and you must not turned back as if ever you look into her eyes, you will be driven to madness.She has the power of visions and guide your magic. It is also said that if her ritual is unsuccessful, then you might face her rage and you will be driven to madness. If the ritual is successful, the she will bless you with the power to see the past, present and future.
Just be careful when calling upon her as she is a very powerful and dark goddess of ancient culture.

Friday 20 April 2012

The elements

In wicca,the elements are something very important...we all know about Fire,water,earth and air but in wicca,there is also a fifth element which is the element of spirit over these 4 elements.The mother goddess is also said to be composed of these element as we can see in the picture below.
"Spirit of the Elements" by Josephine Wall (a big thanks to her)
Retrieved from

This is why the mother goddess have control over the forces of nature.But in wicca,the 4 elements are often represented by the 4 direction and by guardians.The north represents the earth,the south is fire,the east represents air and the west,water.The earth is said to be governed by gnome spirits which are like dwarves.Fire is governed by spirits of salamanders,the air is represented by the sylph and water by the undine spirits which are like water is their signs and their representations. Picture retrieved from

The elements are vey important for every wiccan as everyone in the world is borned according to an element.Mine is fire,which represents destruction.Fire is a purifying, masculine energy, associated with the South, and connected to strong will and energy. Fire both creates and destroys, and symbolizes the fertility of the God. Fire can heal or harm, and can bring about new life or destroy the old and worn. In Tarot, Fire is connected to the Wand suit. For color correspondences, use red and orange for Fire associations. 
Water is a feminine energy and highly connected with the aspects of the Goddess. Used for healing, cleansing, and purification, Water is related to the West, and associated with passion and emotion. In many spiritual paths, including catholicism, consecrated Water can be found – holy water is just regular water with salt added to it, and usually a blessing or invocation is said above it. In Wiccan covens, such water is used to consecrate the circle and all the tools within it. As you may expect, water is associated with the color blue, and the Tarot suit of Cup cards. 

Connected to the North, Earth is considered the ultimate feminine element. The Earth is fertile and stable, associated with the Goddess. The planet itself is a ball of life, and as the wheel of the year turns, we can watch all the aspects of life take place in the Earth: birth, life, death, and finally rebirth. The Earth is nurturing and stable, solid and firm, full of endurance and strength. In color correspondences, both green and brown connect to the Earth, for fairly obvious reasons! In tarot reading, the Earth is related to the suit of Pentacles or Coins. 

Air is the element of the East, connected to the soul and the breath of life. If you’re doing a working related to communication, wisdom or the powers of the mind, Air is the element to focus on. Air carries away your troubles, blows away strife, and carries positive thoughts to those who are far away. Air is associated with the colors yellow and white, and connects to the Tarot suit of Swords.

Thursday 19 April 2012

The mother Goddess

As a wiccan,we believe that all goddesses of the world is represented as one goddess,the mother of the earth itself...there are 7 main goddesses in the world,they are Isis,Astarte,Diana,Hecate,Demeter,Kali and Inana..Above is the chant of these 7 goddesses.
I truly believe that the goddess is everywhere around us,she is the destructive force of nature,she is found in every living creatures,animals,plants as well as ourselves,we are her children.Invoking goddesses in your rituals results in increasing the power of your magic.But be careful as certain goddesses dont like to be disturbed and if so,they can push your magic to make you crazy and make you mad.These goddesses need to be pleased before been invoked by you...They are pleased throught specific rituals,incantations and offerings...
Goddess Hecate for example,need to be given honey,a key and rope before invoking her powers...She is one of the most powerful goddess as she is the mistress of magic and queen of crossroads.she guide witches magic and grant the power to her children to see the past,beginning and present.she is always represented as being a virgin,a mother and a crone.her 3 forms!!!
Here is a picture of hecate in her 3 forms on a painting by a painter called cherrieB. retrieved from

There are also other powerful goddesses such as Aphrodite,the greek goddess of love which has the power to give beauty as well as cursing women.Aphrodite has the power to attract the man/woman you desire the most.According to rituals,a shell is needed to invoke this goddess as she was borned in a large shell and was found in the shell on a beach.she is often represented by her favourite animal,the dove. here is a pic of Aphrodite as she got out of her shell on the beach. picture from

As wiccan,we must choose a main god and goddess as mother and father to be invited at the beginning of our rituals.Personally ive chosen Hera,the goddess of mariage and Hades,the god of the tartarus,ruler of the underworld.Hera is the wife of the greek god of gods,Lord Zeus who was always cheating Hera.Even if zeus was always attracted to other goddesses,nymphs etc,hera's fidelity to zeus was absolutely perfect.She always remained by his side.Hera is very vengeful,she likes to chase and pursue the women's that her husband turned to as she did to Herakles(hercules) and his mother.Hera has no pity over her enemies and is ready to use every weapon and arm that she has.I really feel that hera matches my atributes and thats why i consider her as my own mother.Her favourite animal is the peacock.Look at my mothers beauty...^^Picture from

Among the goddesses,there are some who prefer to remain virgin as they consider themselves pure and away from men.Very often,these goddesses feel a sort a hatred towards men and hate them to death...Athena,the goddess of crafts and strategic battle was the first goddess to claim to remain as a virgin to her father,Zeus.Then, Diana/Artemis the goddess of hunt and the woods also claim to remain as a virgin.Athena grant the power of crafts to men and some years back,i asked athena for a particular talen.The goddess offered me the power to create crafts with paper and im really thankful to her....Artemis has the power over nature,hunt and animals,she can grant you the power of the wild and if ever you are lost in the wild,she is there to guide you.Long ago,people used to venerate her before going to hunt in the woods...Hunting was always good if ever Artemis blessed you,if not,then not a single hare would be caught.Artemis animal is the dog or the deer,especially the hunding dogs and a deer called (le cerf de cerynie) and Athena's favourite animal is the owl which has the power to see at night.Athena can always be seen holding a spear with a shield and wearing a helmet and Artemis with a bow representing the hunt with usually a dog at her feet as we can see in the picture below.Picture retrieved from DiviantART.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Introduction about my life as a wiccan

hi,everybody,everthing started at the age of 15 where i realised that i was different from people around me.since childhood,i was always attracted to magic stuffs such as comic,series and films on witches,fairies and magical creatures.i was wondering about their existence and whether the world of magic really exist.i was always reading about mythical creatures,gods and goddesses who was venerated in ancient times in europe,egypt etc...i knew all of them by heart and even today,i know about their histories by at 15,i started to make research about magic and came across a religion called Wicca/Ancient religion.
Here is the pentacle,representing Wicca based on the 5 elements...Fire,water,earth,air and spirit...
Through my research,i came across french people who called themselves witches/wizards as wicca is considered as a sort of witchcraft.i was initiated by my so called witches friends who gave me all the necessary knowledge to follow the path of the great mother goddess...As wiccan,ive dedicated myself to the ancient mother goddess which represents all the goddesses in the world.I found her true powers in the force of nature,the air that i breath,fire reducing forest into ashes and enormous waves through my windows.
i truly believe in the powers of the 4 elements as without them,men is bound to absolutely no existence.Fire as the sun which gives warm to our heart and make the plants grow,water as the element which runs onto our body,the earth which actually supports us and the air that all living creature breath.
Being a witch means living with a pure heart but not accepting being put down.We help people in need without asking for money or whatever.we contribute in protecting innocents secretly and we even risk our lives for others.
i am not saying that all wiccans do this job as personnaly,i try to help others.wiccans are free to use their powers as long as they are not hurting others(people who do not deserve to be attacked by magic)
here is a picture of one of my most important ritual of the year..this ritual is to celebrate changes of seasons..
Yes we are different and i am different,you people may fear me...parents,friends,colleagues and people who may recognize me,but im no more afraid and ashame to hide who i am.I  am the Phoenix, a true and pure fire element wiccan and i am very proud.